After you discover your roof has leaked, you may be worried about mold growth and water damage to your structures. However, a third problem exists that you should be aware of: insect infestation. Many common indoor pests are particularly attracted to moist areas, and they're likely to appear after your attic and upper floors have seen water leakage.
The following are five insects you may see after a roof leak.
1. House Centipedes
House centipedes are long, slender insects with many legs. They prefer warm, dark, humid places, and although they often invade basements, they may appear in your attic or upper floors after a roof leak leaves these areas moist and humid. House centipedes are usually yellow-gray in color with some darker stripes across their bodies.
Although house centipedes can bite, they rarely do — and their bites only cause itchy, red bumps similar to a mosquito bite. To fend off these insects following a roof leak, try setting up a dehumidifier in the moist area. Make sure no other insects infest the area, as house centipedes tend to show up when other bugs are present for them to feed on.
2. Cockroaches
Cockroaches are attracted to any space that is warm and moist. They are not picky with food, and they'll dine on paper and old boxes that you have in your attic. Once the roaches find their way into your moist attic space, they may begin to wreak havoc throughout your home, moving into cupboards and bathrooms.
A cockroach infestation can be tough to treat. Even after you repair the roof and dry out the moist area, they will probably not go away on their own. Hire an exterminator to get rid of them sooner rather than later; they reproduce very quickly and are a real nuisance since they contaminate food and give off a musty odor.
3. Earwigs
If you've seen scary-looking bugs with big pincers on their tail ends, these are earwigs. They like moist, warm environments like leaky attics. Once the bugs find the moist attic space, they stay and start reproducing.
Earwigs are not overly dangerous, and they tend to dissipate on their own once you address the moisture issue. Make sure that you not only fix the roof leak but also address any cracks in the siding, window frames, vents, and so forth —this could be how the bugs entered the home in the first place.
4. Silverfish
Another scary-looking bug is the silverfish, which people know for its silvery color. These pests are shaped like teardrops with long antennae. They are a very common invader of moist, dark attic spaces, and they can cause a lot of damage since they feed on cardboard, wallpaper, and anything else that contains cellulose.
Silverfish can be hard to get rid of, even after you've repaired your roof. To help fight the infestation, run a dehumidifier, seal any cracks or crevices, and move potential food sources — including all papers and cardboard — out of the moist attic area. If the bugs do not disappear within a week or two, call a professional.
5. Carpenter Ants
Carpenter ants are big black or red ants that measure about 1/4–1/2 inch in length. They may move into your attic area if the leak caused some of the wood to rot or deteriorate.
These ants are more than just a nuisance. They build nests in decaying wood, weakening the structure. To remove the ants, a professional pest control company will track the ants, locate the nest, and destroy it. Do not ignore a suspected carpenter ant infestation. The ants will not move out on their own, even once moisture from the leak has dried up.
Getting your roof leak fixed is just the beginning. In the weeks that follow, watch out for these moisture-loving pests, and contact
Anteater Pest Control Inc.
if you come across any pests.