Every fall, humans and bugs change their behavior as they prepare for winter. Humans retreat indoors to escape the cooling weather — but so too do bugs. The warmth and food in your home could draw in some unwanted visitors. Their intention is usually to overwinter in your home. You might not even notice them, but when you do, it's usually because they arrive in large numbers.
As you prepare your home for winter, be wary of the following bugs.
1. Box-elder Bugs
Box-elder bugs are probably the most harmless bug on this list. They don't bite, nor do they seek to feed on anything edible in your home. If box-elder bugs have entered your home, they simply want to escape the cold weather of late autumn and winter. The main issue with box-elder bugs is that their feces can leave stains on light-colored surfaces.
Therefore, if they do appear in large numbers, they could make a mess in your home.
2. Cluster Flies
Another insect pest that wants to overwinter in your home is the cluster fly. As the weather cools down and fall kicks in, cluster flies seek the warmth and shelter of Michigan homes. This allows them to survive the winter. And because cluster flies resemble houseflies, albeit on a slightly larger scale, it's easy to confuse the two.
Some cluster fly colonies will remain out of sight in an attic or wall void, while others may infest your living spaces, which then calls for pest control.
3. Fleas
Fall can be a bad time for flea infestations in homes across America, especially if you have pets like cats and dogs. Surprisingly, there are 70 percent more fleas on animals like dogs in the fall than in spring! And because fleas also inhabit carpets and upholstery, getting rid of them without the help of a pest control service can be difficult.
4. German Cockroaches
German cockroaches can't survive the cold temperatures of winter. When the cooler fall weather rolls in, these pests seek to gain entry to homes to enjoy the warmth and abundant supply of food and moisture. If you spot an adult cockroach, you could have an infestation. If you spot one or more babies, you likely already have a full-blown infestation on your hands.
5. German Wasps
German wasps or yellow jackets become extremely aggressive in the fall. This is because the thousands of workers in each nest are starving, and they won't live to see midwinter. During autumn, these wasps feast ravenously on energy-rich foods that contain sugar. If German wasps are bombarding your home, you could have a nest nearby.
6. Marmorated Stinkbugs
Another harmless pest that moves indoors during the fall is the marmorated stinkbug. Similarly, though these smelly pests only want to overwinter in your home and not feed or reproduce in it, they can sometimes show up in large numbers. And if you disturb them, they release an odorous compound that smells like rotten meat to some people.
7. Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles
Just like the other two beetle pests on this list, the stinkbugs and box-elder bugs, multicolored Asian lady beetles move into homes during the fall to escape the cold weather. And while these beetles also don't breed or feed indoors, they too often show up in large numbers. They usually appear on the outside of homes in early October before making their way indoors as fall progresses.
Is your home under invasion by fall pests? Then you need the services of a pest control expert. Anteater Pest Control has operated in Waterford, Michigan for over 25 years. With our extensive experience in dealing with bugs, we can quickly identify and eradicate your bug infestation.