Getting bit by an insect is no fun, but things may be worse when you have no idea exactly what the bite came from. Some of the biggest pests people have to deal with are mosquitoes and ticks. After a bite, the insect may be gone before you can determine what it was.
Using detailed information, learn about the difference between mosquito and tick bites. Once you know the insects invading your property, a pest control worker will help eliminate their presence from your property.
1. Rashes
One of the biggest signs of a tick bite is a rash which forms after the tick falls off or has been removed. Incidents involving tick-borne diseases like Lyme Disease will cause a circular rash around the spot of the bite. The rash will often look like a target shape with two rings.
For mosquitoes, a rash will not typically form unless the area has been heavily scratched. You may see a small raised area and a red mark, but no rash.
When a rash has formed due to an insect bite, a blood test may be needed to check for any diseases.
Pest control treatment on property with ticks and mosquitoes spreading illness will help prevent any diseases in humans and pets.
2. Itches
One of the trademarks of a mosquito bite is the itchiness which occurs after the bite. Once a mosquito breaks the skin open, a body will release histamine from our immune system. The response is what causes the itchiness, not any element from the actual mosquito. The more you scratch, the more histamine is released.
The itchiness from mosquitoes is a lot more prevalent than in the ticks. If you feel instant itchiness after a bite, it will most likely be a mosquito. One of the more common reasons to feel itchy from a tick bite is if a rash forms. The rash may dry out and create itchy skin.
3. Body Part Targets
The body part where you have a bite may be an indication of which insect bit you. Ticks cannot jump or leap. They climb up from the ground. Even if you wear long socks and pants, ticks will climb up until they reach the first open body part. If you sit or lay on the ground, ticks will crawl on any accessible body part.
Mosquitoes base their feeding on the scents of a human. While flying, mosquitoes may bite any body part. Often, they will aim for lower areas like the ankles. Not only are the insects drawn to the scent of feet, but they seek out a place where humans cannot easily swat at them.
4. Groups
When you encounter a mosquito, you are likely to find a whole group of them. Mosquitoes nest and fly in groups, meaning you will find multiple bites from the same circumstances. Small bodies of water are nesting grounds for the insect and an area prone to multiple bites.
If you find multiple bites, you may have been bitten from a same mosquito multiple times or by multiple mosquitoes. A tick will typically feed off its host once and drop off. If you do have multiple ticks on you, you may have encountered a tick nest. When a female tick lays eggs, a single tick could lay up to 3,000 eggs at once.
The removal of both tick and mosquito nests is essential for protection against the insect bites. Both start out in very large groups which could quickly spread across your property.
For information on pest removal at your home, contact us at
Anteater Pest Control Inc.
We have professionals who will help target specific insects and eliminate the threat of the disease-carrying insects.