Your home and residential gardens are precious possessions. To take full advantage of the garden possibilities of your property, research the flora and foliage that thrive in your location and plant them in a garden. These plants will enhance the look of your property and attract attention from neighbors and visitors.
You can also plant vegetables and fruits that are beautiful to see, delicious to eat, and unavailable in stores and farmers markets. However, these flowers and vegetable plants will also attract the attention of local wildlife. Rodents such as mice and rats will see and smell the plants in your gardens and come to your property.
To protect your home and garden from local rodents, you must be vigilant and get rid of them as soon as you see evidence of their presence. Here are some things you can do to protect your home and residential gardens from invasive rodents.
Trim and Prune Ornamentals Often
When you plant ornamentals in your yard, keep them maintained and trimmed often. Do not let the leaves, flowers, and branches of your ornamentals touch the ground. This will keep rodents from hiding in them to eat their leaves, berries, and buds.
Build Raised Garden Planters
To protect small flowers and foliage, plant them in raised garden planter boxes with good drainage. This will protect these small plants and allow them to grow and flourish.
The planter boxes will also keep rodents from eating the small plants as they like to remain hidden and will hesitate to jump onto the boxes.
Fence Your Vegetable Garden
To protect your vegetable garden from rodents, surround it with a fence. Use upright wood pilings to hold the fencing material in place.
When you install the fence, imbed at least five inches of it into the soil to prevent rodents from going under the fence to reach the garden.
Harvest Your Gardens Often
Harvest the vegetables and fruits in your garden as soon as they are ripe. Pick up any fallen vegetables and fruits and rake fallen leaves from the base of the plants each day.
This will eliminate the smell of ripe fruits and vegetables in your gardens and deter rodents from the area.
Grow Peppermint Plants
Grow peppermint plants throughout your property. Rodents do not like the smell of peppermint as it is a potent menthol that irritates their nasal cavities.
To be most effective, grow the peppermint plants around the property line to keep rodents from entering. If you cannot grow peppermint plants in your location, make a peppermint oil spray to sprinkle on your property border.
To make a peppermint oil spray, mix two teaspoons of the peppermint oil with one cup of water and then add a few drops of dish detergent. Spray this mixture wherever you see rodents in your garden.
Get a Cat
Cats are effective hunters and are great at chasing and catching rodents. As a deterrent to mice and rats in your gardens, get a cat and allow it to have full access to your property.
To keep your cat safe and secure, build a wooden fence around your property that is at least five feet tall. At the top of this fence install flexible netting that is angled 45 degrees into your property. This will prevent your cat from escaping.
Despite all of your efforts, you may be still be plagued with mice and rats if they are plentiful in your location. To successfully rid your residential property of invasive rodents, contact
Anteater Pest Control, Inc. Our technicians will remove rodents and insects from your property on an ongoing schedule appropriate for your gardens and continue to eliminate them throughout the year.