Ants are invasive. They not only enter your home uninvited, but they also want to eat your food and make a mess of your lovely home. Carpenter ants can be quite a problem, and you certainly should not have to deal with them on your own.
But while carpenter ants are a nuisance, how do you even begin to determine if the ants you see actually cause damage to your home? And what do you do if they are? This guide will help you figure it all out.
How Can You Identify Carpenter Ants?
Carpenter ants are typically black, often with a slight hue of another color (like red). These ants have six legs and segmented, oval-type bodies. Some of the ants have wings, especially after the colony has had time to create offspring.
Many people realize they have ants when they see them in the kitchen. After all, ants like to eat many of the same foods humans do. You might find them on your counters or in your pantry, feasting on tasty food you were saving for yourself.
Confuse carpenter ants with other types of ants can be easy to do, so you may have to look for the tunnels to make a full diagnosis of the problem. If people only see the chomped wood and not the ants themselves, these pests could also be confused for termites.
If you do not see tunnels or ants, look for wood shavings. The ants will chew up the wood and then spit it out, leaving behind a lot of evidence of their occupation.
What Damage Do Carpenter Ants Cause?
Quite a bit. These ants will chew tunnels through wood in order to construct nests right inside the structure of your home. Tens of thousands of ants can enter your home at once, leading to many different tunnels.
However, a common misconception is that carpenter ants eat wood. Actually, they typically gnaw on wood just to make a safe place for a nest. Inside the nest is typically a queen ant preparing to create more ants to infest your home.
What Can You Do About Carpenter Ants?
Fortunately, you do not have to live with carpenter ants. By taking a few quick steps, you can eliminate these pests from your home — hopefully for good.
One of the first things you might consider doing is addressing excess moisture in your home. Ants love moist wood, and the presence of these ants could reveal that your house has moisture issues. You may need to make some repairs to keep the ants away for good.
Ants also love water. If you have a lot of standing water around your house, now is a good time to get rid of it. Ants may take the water as an invitation to join your household.
Then, look outside at any potential bridges ants may use to make their way inside. Carpenter ants will use anything to get inside, from garden hoses to tree branches. Look carefully to ensure you do not stack anything near the home that could provide an open invitation.
Finally, you can call a pest control company. Pest control services deal with carpenter ants every day. They can find the weak entry points and prevent ants from coming back.
Anteater Pest Control Inc.
offers pest control services in your area. When you feel like pests have taken over, call us. We will fight back against insects and other pests taking over your domicile.
We are ready to handle your pests. Also, we are happy to answer your questions and concerns about pests in and around your home.